Scripting Exercise #1

English 3368: World Wide Web Publishing

The Challenge

Developing an HTML Form – Due October 6, 2020

Using the text editing program of your choice, create a basic, one-page form that can be integrated into your Web Portfolio. The form can be used as a survey, to collect user feedback, short quiz, or have some other practical purpose. The form should incorporate at least five unique form inputs (i.e., button, checkbox, radio, select, text, textarea, etc.). In addition, the form should have a functional SUBMIT button that emails the contents of the form to a specified email address. Your work will be evaluated in terms of its content, layout, creativity, and originality of design. Review the class readings on content development and markup as you organize and personalize the contents of this page. This exercise tests your ability to be creative and innovative with HTML markup in developing a basic functional form. When complete, provide a link to this page here.

5 Interesting Facts About You

1. What is your Go-To Karaoke Song?

2. Check all the types of pets you’ve owned


3. How would you describe your favorite childhood memory?

4. If you were doing what you wanted to be when you were 5 years old – what would that be?

5. Please select your alltime favorite pizza topping

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