Scripting Exercise #2

English 3368: World Wide Web Publishing

The Challenge

A CSS Prototype –

Designing a CSS Prototype, in which you will apply and build on skills learned from the course readings and lectures. You will use a text editing program of choice and create your own markup and scripting code to complete each exercise.

Specifics include: Using the text editing program of your choice and both HTML and CSS, create a professional, one-page hand-coded biography Web page for yourself, using your own original and creative design theme. Include your name, a descriptive title or subtitle for yourself, 250 word background about yourself, at least one visual image central to your design theme, and any other design elements or supplemental content you choose. Your CSS stylesheet should use either embedded or external styles and include a good range of both level 1 (stylistics) and level 2 (positioning) declarations. Your stylesheet should also include the use of at least 10 selectors and 20 declarations. Other choices for graphics and spatial layout should reflect your own selected original design theme. For inspiration, consider some of the samples we looked at in class and graphic libraries available online. Review the class readings on visual and interface design principles and conventions, as well as HTML markup and CSS scripting, to inform your design. This exercise tests your ability to be creative and innovative with design styles and layouts using both HTML and CSS. .

The Solution


See the Pen Scripting 2 by Kori (@KoriCode) on CodePen.