
Proud Texan

I am a proud sixth generation Texan. Born & Raised. We can trace our Texas genealogy back to the days of the Alamo.

Grew Up in Church

My older brother and I grew up in church as my parents pastored in different Pentecostal churches most of my life. I only attended private, Christian schools or homeschool.

Professional Clown

My first career choice was being a clown for my parent’s balloon store. Dressed as clowns we would deliver balloon bouquets to kids’ birthday parties.

Born to Perform

From a very young age I was either singing or performing in some play or youth group event. Here I starred opposite a stuffed lamb.

High School in the 90’s

Then the 90’s happened. High school came along and we believed the bigger your hair the closer you were to God.

Whole Can of Hairspray

God and I were apparently BFFs.

Music Ministry

In 1996 I learned to play the guitar while at Bible college and my world drastically changed. In the early 2000’s I began playing music professionally with a Christian worship band and traveled all over the US.

Worship Leader

I landed in the Northwest and became a worship leader for a few churches.

Moved Back Home

Produced 3 albums and loved being a professional music minister, but I missed my family. So I left the great Northwest and moved back to Texas.

Traveled to Kenya

But I couldn’t seem to put the guitar down. I even traveled as far as Kenya to sing and share my faith.

Other Music

I spent the next few years volunteering in music ministries around the US.

Live Painting

Performed my first live painting at an event.

Started WebTegrity

Since I wasn’t doing music professionally any longer – I needed a paying gig. So the avid entrepreneur in me took the leap and we launched a digital marketing company called WebTegrity in San Antonio with my parents as my business partners.

Kori Ashton

I started my YouTube Channel with – WordPress Wednesday. As part of my community giveback – every Wednesday I release a free tutorial video focused on all things WordPress.

First Son

We had our first son – Andy, and my heart grew two sizes.

Speaking at TEDx San Antonio

Spoke and performed a live painting at TEDx San Antonio.

Second Son

We thought Andy needed a little brother, and were blessed with our second son – Ethan.

WebTegrity is Acquired

In 2017 WebTegrity was acquired by a publicly traded company and I remained on as the CEO.


The Storm Hit. In July of 2019 I was diagnosed with Cervical Cancer.


It was a rough six months of radiation, chemo and surgeries.

My Support

Thankfully I was supported and surrounded by amazing friends and family!

On Dec 18, 2019 – I received the news that I was CANCER FREE!

Kori Ashton Mama

And so she goes on… Cervical Cancer took its toll physically on me, and then my marriage ended as well at the end of 2019. But my story goes on and my will to survive and thrive continues to give me opportunities to give back, teach, share and shine! There’s so much to be thankful for!

On to My Master’s!

In Dec 2022 I graduated Magna Cum Laude from Texas Tech University and was accepted to their MA program! Wreck ‘Em!


In May 2023 I launched MaxCRO, a hybrid, global digital marketing agency focused on enterprise-level clients and their customer journey mapping. I’ve also started a certification program at Harvard Business School for AI in Business.