How to Put Posts In a Page in WordPress

Oct 7, 2015 | WordPress Plugins, WordPress Wednesday

Full Video Transcript

Hey y’all

Welcome to another WordPress Wednesday. My name is Kori Ashton, and yes, I’m giving it up. I might happen to be a Seattle Seahawks fan. Alright? Football season is just in gear, and I’m pretty excited about it, but that’s not why you’re here. You are here to learn about how to add posts into a page.

So we actually had the question presented to us off of this YouTube channel, and that’s how you can get some of your questions answered as well. If you’d like to leave them in the comment box below, or tweet them to us @KoriAshton we’ll try to make a YouTube video to help you walk through your needs inside of WordPress.

So, we’re going to get right into it with how to put posts inside of a page. You have two different ways that I’ll show you if you’re not an in-depth nerd-coder, and you you want to do it kind of the simple route.

So, what I have is just a test site here that I’m playing around with. You’ve got your home – blog and sample page What you can do is go in and create an actual page. Just create a page and name it “Blog.” So you’re just going to title it here – Blog. You’re not going to put anything inside of it and you’re just going to click “publish” or if you’ve already had a page here you’ll click update. Okay?

Once that’s in place – you’ll go to settings and go to reading. And this is where you’ll assign your post page. Now inside of this dropdown you should have a page called “Blog.” Once you’ve assigned this and you can do the settings here to how many show on this page. Do you want it to be the full text or just a summary of the blog with maybe the “read more” option. And of course you don’t want this checked if you’re on a live site. But I’m on a staging environment so I have that box checked. So click save changes.

Then going back to the front side of my website – If I click refresh and go ahead and click our Blog page that we have added to our menu here. Now whenever we go to that page we should have a full listing of all of our blog articles that we’ve put in our website.

So that’s one way you can do it. The question from our viewer also asked how we would put a categories listing in the right sidebar. So this is dependent upon your theme. If your theme author has allowed you to have a right or a left sidebar in your blog area, hopefully you’ve got a widget box that you can access.

So that’s what we’re going to go to next. You’ll go to Appearance and go to widgets. This is my one sidebar inside of this theme that I’m using. You can grab your categories area here – Drag and drop it in whatever order you’d like it to appear in that sidebar. Let’ say “Choose a Topic.” And you can make some of the changes here if you’d like. Click Save. And now on the right side underneath the search bar – Now I should have our “Choose a Topic” and these would be our blog categories. If there are categories that do not have any posts in them. They will dynamically NOT appear here. If you’d like to make your own custom navigation over here of those categories, you can do that as well.

You would go into menus area now and create a custom menu. You would just click “Add New Menu” and you can call it “categories.” And click “Create Menu.” Then you’ll go here to the left side and you see Pages, Custom Links, Categories and there might be others here dependent upon your theme, but what you’re looking for is “Categories.” You can click “View All” – see all of them and add all of them if you’d like. Add to Menu. And then of course you can drag and drop these in whatever order you’d like them to be in. And you would click “Save Menu.”

Now that you have those there you can go back to your widgets area, and instead of adding this categories option… We’ll delete that for now. We’re just going to add a custom menu. Drop it in there. And we’ll still say – “Choose a Topic.” And you can select which menu. We’re going to go in and get our “Categories” and “Save.” And then coming over here on the right side I’ll click refresh. We should have “Media” at the top – So now we have a custom menu sitting here that will link to all of the articles in each topic.

Pretty Simple, right?

You’re theme by default should have those type of capabilities. Let’s say though that you have a page that already exists, that maybe you wanted to write a little bit about all of these certain categories of posts. You’d like to put the posts inside of a page. You can do that as well. That is going to require either a little bit of nerd code – if you know how to make a custom page template. Or – if you don’t want to get nerdy you can go in and use a plugin. So – let’s go show you which plugin I’d suggest you use if you wanted to do something like this.

You’ll go to “Add New” for plugins, and you’re going to search just what you think it would be – Posts in Page. And there’s this one here. It’s 30,000 active installs as of – where are we now we’re in October of 2015. It was updated quite a while back. So I want you to always look for those that have been updated most recently. And of course you can click on “more details” and get an idea of what it might look like inside of your website. This one requires that you just copy a little bit of shortcode. You would copy and paste this into the page, and then it would (CLAP) dynamically call all of your posts to appear in that area. Okay? So, this one’s pretty cool.

You can just kinda click through these different plugins here and see which ones you might be more interested in. Again, just clicking the “more details” and viewing them. I’ve not used any of these because typically we code from scratch, and we’re able to kind nerd-code these things in there, but if you’re not a really involved nerd-coder and you’re rather just do it the simple way, which is a plugin you can lean on one of these to accomplish that for you. Alright –

I hope that helps you. Have fun putting posts inside of your WordPress pages and I hope you check us out. Also this week, we’re doing something totally brand new. Be sure to subscribe to this channel because – not only from now on are we doing WordPress Wednesday, but apparently we like iteration because now we’re going to be doing Theme Review Thursdays. No joke. So now you’re getting a 2 For 1. Every single week we’re going to be handing off two videos to you. One on Wednesdays which is a wide gamut of anything you can think of for WordPress Wednesdays – beginner level to advanced. And then Thursdays are not going to be Theme Review Thursdays where we’re reviewing free themes as well as premium themes. I hope you stick around.

Be sure to subscribe.

We’ll see you next WordPress Wednesday.

Bye, Y’all