Do you want to disable comments on your WordPress website? Here’s how to do it with a Free plugin.
Full Video Transcript
Hey y’all, welcome to another WordPress Wednesday. My name is Kori Ashton at WebTegrity in San Antonio, Tx.
Y’all, listen up. I am so thrilled to say that we have reached over 1 million views here on YouTube. It’s really just amazing to me that we have so many awesome people that just love to watch our fun WordPress videos and we have over thirteen thousand, six hundred and something…something…something subscribers.
So, very very cool. Thank you for being a part of this community every single Wednesday.
Today, I want to teach you how to completely disable the comments section inside of your website. So, a lot of times you’re building a WordPress site that actually needs to function like a business website.
Maybe you don’t need the ability for people to comment on your blog post, even if you are gonna use a blog inside of your website. So, how can you disable that if your theme that you’re using allows that to be there? Obviously, you know you can do that one at a time. So, you can go in…check this out…
You can go into your post area, “View All Posts” and you can click “Quick Edit” and allow or uncheck that to disallow comments. But, sometimes, even still, your author has allowed them to be there automatically and it’s kind of annoying. So, how do we block that or disable comments inside of your WordPress website?
This is how you do it.
This is a simple plugin to make this happen. So, let’s go here.
We’re going to be looking at “Disable Comments”. Very difficult. That’s the one we’re going to look up. So, I’m going to add that to my clipboard. We’re gonna jump over here and go to plugins and say “Add New”.
We will search for that “Disable Comments”. This is the one you want. Almost a million active installs. It’s been updated recently and it’s compatible with my version, so you know it’s safe to use.
We’re gonna click “Install”.
Of course, if you’re looking at this later on down the road, be sure that those credentials are still there. That it’s got a lot of great reviews. That it’s got a lot of installs. You want to think about that no matter what plugin you’re using on your website. So, now that it’s installed, I’m going to go ahead and click “Activate”.
I’m going to go ahead and activate that.
I’ll slide off the screen, just so you can pay attention to what we’re doing here. Now, underneath “Settings”, you have a section called “Disable Comments”. That’s where you go to just take a look at this really quickly.
You can do a global one-click option. “Disable Everywhere” So, if your author has allowed them to appear on pages and posts, just take them off. Gone.
There’s no commenting option available, now. Or you can make it just on your posts or just allow it on your pages. However, you’d like to do it. Most of the time, though, it’s that “Everywhere” button. Click “Save Changes” and that does it. Breaks it down. Done. Taken care of.
How exciting is that?
What if, though, you have (in your comments section) a ton of comments sitting here? Now, it says it’s closed. But, what if you had 200 or 2,000, or more than that.
Comments sitting there that you just wanted to get ride of? Well, I’ve got another video that I created a while back on how to do that.
This little video here. That’s me just about a year ago. Check out that video. I’ll put the link to this one in the description box below with two clicks.
Just a matter of seconds, you can take away and delete all of those spam comments in one chunk. So, you’re not spending hours and hours trying to remove those comments.
Hey, I knew it was going to be a quick one. Listen, next week and for the rest of this month in October, I’m going to be doing theme reviews. We’re going to be talking about some really popular themes out there in the industry. I’m going to be giving you my two cents and I’m even going to be giving one away for free. So, it’s a premium theme and it’s about an $80 theme. I’ll be giving it away for free.
So, be sure to subscribe to our channel and I’ll see y’all next WordPress Wednesday. Bye, y’all.
Here’s how to remove spam comments in one bulk click too.