Where and How to Learn WordPress

Oct 27, 2016 | Web Design Tips, WordPress Wednesday

Full Video Transcript

Hey y’all, Welcome to another WordPress Wednesday. My name is Kori Ashton here at WebTegrity in San Antonio, Texas and today’s topic is: Where to go online to learn WordPress.

So, all of y’all know if you’re finding me here on YouTube, that we do a Wednesday video all about WordPress. So, every single Wednesday I’m producing a video talking to you something about WordPress. Well, we just had WordCamp San Antonio and it was a huge, awesome success. We had just about 300 attendees and from that, I discovered that a lot of people from our community kind of struggle with trying to figure out where to learn WordPress online, kind of in their own time or maybe even find instruction in person. How do we do that?

So, I’ve got some cool resources I want to walk you through in this quick video. So, I’m just gonna shrink down here. Of course, we’ve got our YouTube channel. We’ve got over 200 videos now and you’ll be joining over 14,000 subscribers hanging out with us here, every single Wednesday.

You’ve also got Learn dot WordPress dot com.(learn.wordpress.com) Check that area out. It’s got some pretty cool resources for you and you’re able to navigate through, starting from total beginner to a little bit advanced. Kind of nice.

Of course, you’ve always go the Codex, right. Codex dot WordPress dot org (codex.wordpress.org) This really covers pretty much any topic. Especially for those of you looking to do more advanced things. You can certainly check that out here. The only issue I have with this is, it’s a little bit difficult to understand. There’s a little bit of a learning curve.

So, I would suggest (If you’re a brand new beginner) to start out with something more along the lines of WP101. They’re another Texas company, so I’ve got to give them a shout out. They’re doing awesome things over here. They’ve got some free videos for you to watch, so you can get an idea of their structure and their style. Then, you can pay to jump in and learn all of it. It’s pretty extraordinary. I highly, highly recommend these guys.

WPbeginner is also a great blog. They also have a YouTube channel. They’re always doing stuff on here. Some things are very, very beginner and then they also go pretty advanced. So, if you’re the type of learner that likes to watch a video or read blog article follow a tutorial; check these guys out.

I’m also a huge fan of Carrie Dils. She was a keynote speaker here at WordCamp San Antonio. She is another Texan who just absolutely loves WordPress. She’s an evangelist, a front-end developer. She also teaches here at Lynda dot com (Lynda.com). So, check out here courses here and you can get some ideas. She’s also an excellent resource for anyone using Genesis (The framework for WordPress). She’s got a lot of different courses here that you can take. See, there’s one specifically here for Genesis. So, check that out. See what you think about that.

If you’re not the type of person that likes to learn just online, you actually want a little bit of interaction and engagement, we offer here at WebTegrity an online course you can take. It’s a 6-week course that takes you totally from how to install WordPress and all the way through it. Now, this is an online course; but, it’s live instruction. You are actually partnered up with one instructor. Could be me, could be somebody else here on my team, who teaches you in-person just like you’re viewing now. We get to share screens. So, if you’d like to do that, you can come over here and learn everything that we offer and you can just choose here and it would say, “Any open class” or it will also say “Online Class”. Check that out. See what you think about that.

Ok, here you go, you guys.

In your local area, if you again need that instruction in person, go check out Meetup. What I want you to do is go to Meetup dot com (meetup.com) and just do a quick search for WordPress. I’m gonna slide off the screen so you can see this. All these pins right here are WordPress meetup groups that are free to attend. That’s a great budget, right? They’re free to attend. So, connect with someone in your local area. Whether it’s here in the states or all around the world, you’re able to find a meetup group that can help y’all improve your website and helps you get started in WordPress.

There’s also a WordCamp Central. So, again, I was just mentioning that we just had WordPress WordCamp San Antonio. These are typically one to two-day events that happen in your community and it’s all centered on WordPress. A lot of time the tickets are way inexpensive. Like, $20 to come and attend an event like this where it’s an aall-dayworkshop and you can come and talk to instructors, meet developers, talk to people who know WordPress and learn a lot and you can network a lot. It’s a really cool resource. Check that out and see if they’ve got one running in your area.

Also, there is WordPress dot tv (wordpresss.tv). So, if you’re not able to attend or there’s not one in your immediate area you can jump over to WordPress.tv and this is where a lot of those workshops that are held all over the world are recorded and put here in a library. You can do a quick topic search if you’d like. You can search around and see all types of stuff. Here’s someone talking about Yoast. Small business and design. Discovery there. That’s pretty cool. Becoming a better engineer. Talking about development. You’re gonna find some things that are pretty advanced and some total beginner. You’ll also find some cool business stuff. Some social media marketing tips. Some SEO tips. It’s a pretty great, great resource.

So, here’s some other places that you might be able to find some courses that sound good to you? WPsessions. You can check out all sorts of different courses you can take online. Look at the price tag, you guys. You can’t beat this. This is outstanding. You can click on it and get the full details of what they’re offering. Also, I wanted to note something on this particular website, WPsessions. These authors, some of these are actual Automattic-itions (people that work specifically for Automattic). These people know WordPress. So, check out this resource and see if you find a course that sounds great to you.

Also, you know that I’m a fan over at ThemeForest dot net (themeforest.net) They’ve got an entire area here of tutorials. You can come online and check out. All sorts of tutorials, specifically on WordPress. They’ve got stuff about the API on here. Security. How to create your own plugins. All sorts of cool advanced stuff, if you’re looking to go that route.

Speaking of advanced, this one is pretty spectacular. I’ve heard some great things about Zach. I’m gonna put the link to all of these courses in the description box below; but, check this guy out. He’s gonna be offering JavaScript for WordPress folks. So, if you want to go that deep nerdy, this is a great resource for you.

Hey, if you’ve learned WordPress in other arenas, things that I haven’t mentioned here, will you please put them in the comment thread below, so that other people can check out those resources and learn more about WordPress.

I hope this video helps you. Be sure to subscribe because I will be doing this again next Wednesday. Something super cool for you to check out. I will see you then. Bye, y’all.

Ready to Learn Word Press – Here’s Kori Ashton’s list of over a dozen online and in person resources –

Learn WordPress In Person with Kori

Meetup – WordPress

WordPress Topics – WordCamp Central

Learn WordPress Online:

WordPress Wednesday Playlist
Learn WordPress
WordPress Codex
WP Beginner
Carrie Dils on Lynda
WordPress TV
WordPress Sessions
WordPress Code Tutorials
JavaScript for WP