Kori Ashton helps you learn about Facebook and YouTube plugins for WordPress.
Full Video Transcript
Hey y’all, thanks for tuning in to another WordPress Wednesday my name is
Kori Ashton and for the entire month of July I want to stay focused, for us, on social media marketing. This week specifically, we’ll be talking about Facebook and YouTube, and then next week we’ll be looking at Periscope and Twitter. The third week of the month we’re gonna take a look at Pinterest and Instagram, and then the final week of the month
we’re gonna look at social media marketing sharing tools and work
management tools all for social media marketing, inside of WordPress. We’re gonna be looking at specific plugins and all sorts of cool ways to not only use these social media networks; but, also how to get them involved inside of your website. So, stick around. Be sure to subscribe to the channel. Every single week we’re producing some sort of cool
video like this for you. Specifically with WordPress.
So, let’s look first at Facebook. I know everybody says you need a Facebook account and you gotta look at Facebook; but, what the heck. How do you use it? I wanna show you here, this is our WebTegrity Facebook page. Check this out. There you go, this is our WebTegrity Facebook page.
You can kinda see some of the engagement that we have. Some of the interaction that we have. Some of the different posts that we do.
I know a lot of times, though, my clients and our students wonder, what is the best thing to post on your social network? What’s a hashtag? How often should I be posting? What types of things can I actually
put on here to get the best engagement? So, I want to teach you, just for a moment, first of all, what a hashtag is looking inside of your Facebook account.
So, you’re gonna see here I’ve started this post: “We’ll be learning about social media marketing this month on WordPress Wednesday. Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for our WordPress video.”
I put the link here over to our YouTube channel, and then, it also created this from that link. So, I mentioned here first, “we’ll be
learning about social media marketing.” I went ahead and put them all
together. All three words became one word. I used the hashtag on it, so that it would basically create this hot link, if you will.
You put a hashtag, all the words together. You can put each word having a
capitalization or you don’t have to. It’s just easier to read sometimes
if you do that with each word.
“This month on #WordPress”, and so “WordPress”, of course, is one of our
key words and I put a hashtag there. And then, notice that I mention
“WordPress” again. You don’t need to have both of them
hashtagged. There’s no reason for that. This one works and we’ll pull
up those posts as people are looking for things WordPress inside of Facebook.
So, I’m gonna go ahead and publish or if I wanted to, this is something really cool inside of Facebook, I could schedule this to publish at a
later time and a later date.
So, I want you to note that as we get to the end of this month, you’ll see it, as well. There are resources out there where you don’t have to be active every single day on your social networks. You can actually come in here and work proactively and schedule things.
So, it will look like you’re doing things every single day of the week;
but, really you maybe only spend a lazy Sunday afternoon coming in here
and scheduling up the week or the month of posts, if you really wanted to.
For now, I’m gonna go ahead and publish this post. Of course, things that have photos are going to get higher engagement. Things that have video get the most engagement and that’s why we’re gonna be talking about YouTube here in just a moment.
You’ll want to have all sorts of different things that you’re posting
when it comes to your social network and this is kind of across the board. You’ll want to have things that you’re talking about your business itself. You’ll want to also have things that you’re talking about going on in your industry, as a whole.
You’ll also want to have freebie tips and, tricks and resources. Things like that, that people in your industry, your customers and your clients
would be interested in.
So, I really want to have things on here where we’re talking about free opportunities. That’s what you’re doing here, is you’re coming here and looking at our free WordPress tutorials.
So, this is one of my give back posts or freebie posts. This is something fun. This is a “Geek Fact of the Day”. We just want to throw that out there.
But, you’re gonna see the level of engagement change a little bit. That’s why I wanted to show you this. We mentioned the Fourth of July and then, we mentioned here again our YouTube channel.
Look at the posts, here though, with WebTegrity. I could have changed this to read out more just by clicking on it here. It would have allowed me to read out more or to type out more in that area. This one is talking a little bit about WordPress again and then, mentioning a couple of our websites that we’ve done some video on.
Let me scroll down here to show you one that’s gotten more engagement.
Here’s a “Geek Fact” got 47 people connected with it. This one here is the one I wanted to show you. Notice here, I’ve put the actual video
right here on the post. I did that just be adding the link on here to the actual video itself. So, this appears right here. If I clicked on it, I could watch it right here.
This one engaged 71 people. That’s a pretty high engagement.
Here’s another one that only reached 19 people.
Here’s a “Geek Fact” that says, “Happy Father’s Day to the Father
of Star Wars”. 58 people reached.
It’s interesting to monitor. The reason that I’m mentioning this is that it’s interesting to monitor all of your different posts to kind of see what your audience is enjoying and liking. Then, you can kind of adjust your writing calendar to start to engage on those that are getting higher engagement.
So, let’s talk about the best plugins for WordPress for Facebook.
This is by far one of my favorites, “Custom Facebook Feed”. Remember that I’ll put the link to all of these in the description box below, so just click on “Show More”down below and you’ll be able to see all the links to get to these. This is a free version of “Custom Facebook Feed”.
You’ll come to the description area here and you’ll get to see all the different things that it allows you to do. It’s pretty fantastic.
I wanted to show you, though, what it could look like on the screen shot here. This is what it could look like on your website. It has a darker version, like this, and a lighter version. So, if your website has a white background it could look like this. If your website has a darker background, it can look like this; but, you can customize anything you’d like. It also has the ability to scroll inside the frame itself and it’s fully responsive, which is another really outstanding feature of this plugin. It’s very user friendly to set up and engage inside your website.
One of the reasons why you want to have your feed visible on your site is because, that’s fresh content happening on your website for search engine optimization. As well as, people get to see immediately that you’re active, doing things over on Facebook.
A lot of our clients also use their Facebook as their main point of
announcing certain things. Events and sales opportunities happen
over there and they really don’t have place on their website, necessarily, to have things like that going on.
So, if you brought over your Facebook feed it solves both problems. You only have to post it once.
This is what you don’t want to happen, though. Whenever you go to look for a Facebook feed, you don’t want to see this. This plugin hasn’t been updated for over two years. You want to be sure that everything you’re using is completely up-to-date. So, even later on, as you’re reviewing
this and I’m telling you, “Hey, this Custom Facebook Feed plugin is awesome.” I want to come here and be sure that it’s been updated recently. That it’s compatible with the version and it has really outstanding reviews still. Just to be sure that you’re using something up-to-date.
This is another really awesome Facebook plugin, “Feed Them Social”. It offers a couple of different social media networks on here to use; but,
their Facebook feed is pretty extraordinary. So, if you wanted to run one that allows you to do multiple social networks, this one right here is pretty outstanding.
“Feed Them Social”. Again, I’ll put the link to this in the description box below.
If you’re trying to get people to just LIKE you’re Facebook posts on your
blog area of your website or maybe on your pages talking about your
services, and you just want to add a Facebook LIKE button to those pages,
this is pretty great plugin that will allow you to do that. Super easy to use, super simple. I’ll put that in the description box below, as well.
Facebook comments. If you like to have a discussion area going on your blog where people can use their Facebook page or perhaps you’d like people to be able to comment on your actual product? You can use this plugin for that, as well. Pretty cool.
That same plugin also has a really great, extensive support area where you can go and read easily how to do everything. All you do is activate the plugin and then, you copy this shortcode inside of the page where you want it to appear. It works perfectly that way.
Alright, so let’s look at YouTube. That’s the next one we want to discuss
and it’s gonna be brief; because, as you know, if you follow my channel,
we’ve also created this awesome video that talks about 25 different plugins that you can use for YouTube or Vimeo. Either one of those video networks. This one has a complete list and some of those are pretty great. I’ve updated a few of them letting you know what I think about them; but, I’m gonna put the link to this awesome video tutorial in the
description box below. Go check out this awesome resource for you.
So, one of the reasons why you want to be using YouTube, you don’t have to have a whole lot of expensive equipment to make a video.
You see what I’m doing here and we have over 11,000 subscribers on our
YouTube channel. What you need to do is have good content or if you have somebody that wants to give a review to your business or your product,
take a quick 30 second testimonial with your awesome phone. I mean, it’s just a couple of seconds that you can take a quick testimonial. Post it on your YouTube channel. Give it a great title.
Use YouTube. It keeps people on your website longer. It allows them to click, right here, and watch the video, instead of going over to YouTube.
They’re gonna be spending the time on your own website, which is so important these days.
I’ve got a great YouTube plugin here. It’s a free one to use. It will allow you to put a gallery on your website of different videos that either you’ve done or that you have created a playlist and you enjoy.
Those things can be embedded directly on your website. It’s very, very important that you have people stay on your website to watch your videos.
If you don’t know how to embed a video on your website, I’ve already created a YouTube tutorial on how to do that. I’ll put the link to that in the description box below.
If you’re looking for something a little more premium, I also did a
review recently on this plugin for a gallery for videos. This is pretty extraordinary. It has a lot of really cool options. It’s only $18. Again, this is my tutorial video for that. I’ll put the link to this in the
description box below.
Please start using Facebook on a regular basis. Please start using YouTube on a regular basis and you’re gonna see your search engine optimization on your website totally increase.
I hope you’re having a great WordPress Wednesday. I will see you next week.
Bye, y’all.
Facebook Plugins for WordPress:
Feed Them Social – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube & Pinterest
YouTube Plugins for WordPress:
How to Set Up your YouTube Channel
Premium Video Gallery Plugin