You can improve your Facebook business page by making sure you verify your Facebook Business page. Verifying tells your viewer that the page is legitimate.
Kori will talk about how you can improve your Facebook business page by making sure you verify your Facebook Business page. Verifying tells your viewer that this page is the legitimate page of your brand. This is a super easy tutorial.
Video Transcript
Hey, y’all! Normally, we talk all about WordPress stuff, but today, I wanna give you a quick tip on how to improve your business page when it comes to Facebook. So, check out all of our other, over 200 videos that talk about WordPress goodies on our YouTube channel, but today, again, we wanna talk about your own business Facebook page, as well as any of our clients’.
So, there’s one quick tip I’m hoping that you’re all doing. Check this out over here, on the, your left side of the screen. WebTegrity, see this little check mark? This is to have your page verified. All this means is that you’re confirming with Facebook that you are a legitimate business or celebrity or whatever that might be.
Facebook wants to say that we have confirmed that you’re legit, and it helps you in your rankings as well. So, you definitely want to take time to go do this. I’m gonna put a link just down below in the description box over this page that will walk you through, step by step, very easily, how to click Settings, go into Page Verification, and get your page verified.
Literally, a couple of minutes, and allows you to have just that extra push of legitimacy on your Facebook business page.
Hope that helps you! If it does, check that you liked this video. Give me a quick tweet over on Twitter. You can watch the rest of our videos. Check ’em out, click subscribe, and I’ll see you next WordPress Wednesday. Bye, y’all!